Celebrating Baptism at NBCI

August 31, 2024

At Unlimited Faith Ministry, we are committed to bringing the light of Jesus Christ into some of the darkest places.

One of those places is North Branch Correctional Institution (NBCI) in Maryland, where our founder and pastor, Julio Aguilar, leads a church service on Thursdays, ministering from the inside as a fellow inmate. On March 14th, 2024, we witnessed a powerful move of God as four men made the life-changing decision to be baptized.

That day was nothing short of miraculous. As Anna Aguilar, our ministry director and Julio's wife, wrote in her journal, "Today, Julio baptized four men in the Thursday service. Both chaplains were in attendance. The Lord worked a miracle as two fights broke out elsewhere in the prison—usually a cause for lockdown—right at 11 a.m., when Julio was scheduled to begin. At the same time, though I was unaware, the Holy Spirit led me to pray against the enemy’s assignment and to ask that Julio be powerfully anointed with the Holy Spirit to minister to these men. Praise God, the fights had no effect, and the baptism service proceeded without interruption."

Despite the disruptions, God made a way. Julio was prompted by the Holy Spirit to bring an extra towel and shirt, which turned out to be providential. During the service, one of the men, named Joe, made a last-minute decision to be baptized, and thanks to Julio's obedience, Joe was able to participate and have dry clothes afterward.

Alongside Joe, Hector, John, and Bryan also took this bold step of faith. It was a day of celebration, and we are thrilled to finally share the photos from this special event with you. Though it took several months for the facility to process and send us the pictures, we are excited to share them with you now.


A Call to Prayer... 

These men have taken a significant step in their spiritual journey with Christ, and they need our prayers as they continue to grow in their relationship with Jesus within the deeply challenging environment of incarceration. We ask you to join us in praying for Joe, Hector, John, and Bryan, that they may find strength, wisdom, and peace as they walk with Christ. Pray that these men will walk in God's purpose for their lives, even while in prison.

We also ask for your continued prayers for Julio as he seeks more opportunities to minister the gospel from the inside. His dedication and faithfulness are a testament to God's power to use anyone, anywhere, for His glory.

If you feel called to support this ministry in a more personal way, we encourage you to consider volunteering to write messages and letters of encouragement to inmates.

A simple note can make a world of difference in the lives of these men who are seeking hope and connection with other Christians. If you're interested, please visit the "Contact" page on our website to let us know, and we will gladly provide more information on how you can get involved.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers. Together, we are growing the Kingdom of God, one soul at a time.

In Christ,

Julio & Anna Aguilar

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