Bible Studies at NBCI: A Testimony from Pastor Julio

August 31, 2024

Dear Friends of Unlimited Faith Ministry,

We are blessed to share a message from Julio Aguilar, one of the co-founders of Unlimited Faith Ministry, who is currently incarcerated at North Branch Correctional Institution (NBCI). As part of Unlimited Faith's ministry work, Julio has been faithfully leading Bible studies and discipling other men within the facility. Today, he wants to share a bit about what God has been doing through these efforts. 

Julio’s brief testimony is a powerful reminder of why this ministry is so vital. The work being done at NBCI is not just about teaching Bible verses—it’s about helping men find true freedom in Christ. Through discipleship, these men are becoming strong soldiers for Christ, prepared to handle any situation and represent Him wherever they go, including to their families and anyone they interact with at the facility. Unlimited Faith Ministry is dedicated not only to sharing the gospel but also to discipling people so they can walk in God’s unique purposes and plans for their lives, even while incarcerated.

We ask you to continue praying for Julio as he ministers to these men, for the men who are part of these Bible studies, and for the entire facility, including the officers. Pray that the gospel will continue to spread, bringing the light of Christ to every corner of NBCI. It can be a dark and sometimes unfriendly place, but God’s hand and favor are upon Julio.

As you reflect on Julio’s message, we also want to extend an invitation...

The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Just as Julio is making an impact from within, there are opportunities for you to join this vital work. We are always looking for volunteers who are willing to correspond with inmates, offering fellowship and encouragement. A simple note can make a world of difference in the lives of these men who are seeking hope and connection with other Christians. Your involvement can make an eternal difference in their lives.

If you feel called to be part of this ministry, please reach out to us through our Contact page on our website to let us know, and we will gladly provide more information on how you can get involved. Whether it’s through writing letters, fervent prayers, or providing financial support, every contribution matters. Together, we can be the hands and feet of Jesus, reaching out to those who need Him most.

Thank you for your continued support, and may God bless you richly as you serve Him along the paths of righteousness that He leads you on.

In Christ,

Julio & Anna Aguilar

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